Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

The Harm of Prostitution

Many women or girls who want to get a quick buck, one of them by selling themselves. They exchanged the sanctity with money just to meet the needs of shopping so as not to seem outdated. Although little of the woman was working as commercial sex workers because of the pressure of life that does not give them the choice to work more viable.
Prostitution, besides violate the religion ethics, it also harm for them who doing that. Such as:
  • Prostitution per se is a form of violence against women.

  • Prostitution, in itself, is intrinsically traumatising.

  • At an individual level, the harm is physical, social, emotional, and psychological.

  • The harm extends to all women and humanity as a whole - socially, culturally, and globally.

  • When one human person is degraded, all are degraded.

  • In prostitution, repeated physical and sexual assaults are sustained. Beatings, extreme degradation and rape are frequent. The risk of murder is always present and real.

  • Women in prostitution are often sought specifically for acts that are humiliating, degrading and violent.

  • High numbers of women involved in prostitution report acute symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.

  • Significant numbers of women in prostitution are drug and /or alcohol dependent.
From the statements above, we can see and realize that nothing can legalize the prostitution no matter the reason.

Senin, 12 Maret 2012


Hi friends, last week we had discussed about transgender and everything about the problems of transgender. Of course we have know definition of transgender according to phsycology, medical, and religion aspects.

Now I want to tell you a true story when I was cutting my hair in a famous beauty saloon. The chapster that handle my hair is a transgender hehehehe. His face is just like a true boy, but the attitude was extremely like a girl. I was confused how to called him. After thought for a while, finally I called him,” Mas, rambutnya dipotong kayak di majalah ini ya?”. Suddenly, he went out and did not answer my request. I thought that he was angry because I called him “Mas” hehehehehe. I felt so awful, but I thought that he should be a true man, because he was so handsome and have a good six packs body.

Back to the human rights, people have choices. And he/she is free to do anything he/she likes so far it is not make the other feel lost with her/his actions.

Rabu, 07 Maret 2012

Ninja Bikers Community

Hi, Friends…….nice to see you again Via Blogspace ^-^
Today I want to share about the community that I want to join,,,,that is Ninja Bikers Community (NBC)
I want to join in this community because my boyfriend have been join as the member community since a year ago.
NBC is a community which having Kawasaki Ninja 250 R members, and Kawasaki ninja 600 R as the Leader Community. Routine activities run by NBC's tour around town in Java. Not just for having fun but also do the charities in there, such as visiting victims of Natural disaster in java, like earthslide disaster in Wonogiri in 2011, Mount Merapi eruption in Yogyakarta in the end of 2010, mud disaster in Lapindo, Surabaya, etc.
NBC is a legal community in Solo, it is not do the negative things like almost people think. NBC is not addicted by drinks and drugs, it’s not do the crime on the road, and it’s never hold wild race.
having sport bike like Ninja is Pride. It’s other than the other. The member of this community feel satisfied when people amazed when they see a group of Ninja passing them on the road.
So, don’t think that Bikers Community is always do the negative things, don’t judge the books by its cover, Guys if you do not know the fact yet. Ninja bikers Community is COOL and SPORTY, and sure, it’s LUXURY.