Kamis, 26 Januari 2012

Derogatory Words in Indonesia

Katrok, is a derogatory word from Indonesia. The meaning of this word is aimed to someone who out of date or a person who does not know time progress. For example; if  I don’t know the hot news about a girl hit many people by her car in Tugu Tani, Jakarta until died so my friends will say that I am Katrok because I don’t know the latest news.

I don’t know when were ‘Katrok’ spread first  and who was spread it first in public. People directly familiar with this word and use it to make fun of someone. Even the word is also often used in impressions commercials on television . the word is very well known and almost every one of a small child until a parent anything know the word ‘Katrok’.

I think that people are mocked by the word it's definitely not like because they don't want to be considered as a person who does not know the trends. The word ‘katrok’ is very disrespectful to pronounce upon the person concerned because it would mean an insult. There are many options for more polite words to criticize someone's point of view with no way to be offended by the remark we made it.

Derogatory Word from Indonesia : Katrok

Katrok, is a derogatory word from Indonesia. The meaning of this word is aimed to someone who out of date or a person who does not know time progress. For example; if  I don’t know the hot news about a girl hit many people by her car in Tugu Tani, Jakarta until died so my friends will say that I am Katrok because I don’t know the latest news.

I don’t know when were ‘Katrok’ spread first  and who was spread it first in public. People directly familiar with this word and use it to make fun of someone. Even the word is also often used in impressions commercials on television . the word is very well known and almost every one of a small child until a parent anything know the word ‘Katrok’.

I think that people are mocked by the word it's definitely not like because they don't want to be considered as a person who does not know the trends. The word ‘katrok’ is very disrespectful to pronounce upon the person concerned because it would mean an insult. There are many options for more polite words to criticize someone's point of view with no way to be offended by the remark we made it.
OK, Friends, that's a little bit about derogatory words. be careful to say something, don't make people be hurted with our derogatory words...... ^_^. Comment and advices is very needed for this unperfect post...... See yaa.........

Kamis, 19 Januari 2012

Central Java Community Stereotypes

Stereotypes are generalizations about a group of people whereby we attribute a defined set of characteristics to this group. These classifications can be positive or negative, such as when various nationalities are stereotyped as friendly or unfriendly.
It is easier to create stereotypes when there is a clearly visible and consistent attribute that can easily be recognized. This is why people of color, police and women are so easily stereotyped.
People from stereotyped groups can find this very disturbing as they experience an apprehension (stereotype threat) of being treated unfairly.
Now, i'll explain my opinion about the majority of Central java community Characters..........  

In General, the community of villages in Central Java still likes to ask their children  to marry even though it was very young. They are still not aware of the importance of education for their children. In my village, a child who has been attending teens would usually was married by their parents. After the child is married, he will be given a swath of rice fields for land their livelihood. Boys who are married are still living with their parents, but the obligations they have own kitchen to cook and eat on a daily basis.

 Community of Central Java also often assume that more and more children will be more much income it brings. They have a principle that all families get together, do not eat any is not a problem. they call it " mangan ra managan asal kumpul".  therefore, in ancient times one familly usually has dozens of child's family. But over the development of technology is now the community aware that too many children actually will lower the quality of the education of their children. Despite that, to date there are still some people who still have children without thinking about how much they'll grow big later if not backed up with an established financial condition.

that's just majority of Central Java society characters, but i think that not all of them are like that. there are still many central java people that have modern think and be aware the importance of education.

Selasa, 17 Januari 2012

Ritual Upacara adat Saparan Bekakak adalah sebuah ritual budaya Jawa asli dari Yogyakarta yang diselenggarakan tiap bulan Sapar dalam penanggalan Jawa atau safar dalam kalender islam. Siang itu seusai shalat Jumat, ratusan warga berkumpul untuk bersiap menyaksikan ritual tahunan ini yang  berlangsung dari Balai Desa Ambarketawang, dan diakhiri di pasanggrahan Gunung Gamping, Sleman, Yogyakarta, dengan menyembelih sepasang pengantin (Bekakak) yang terbuat dari beras ketan.
Menurut mitos Jawa kuno, dahulu bulan Sapar dianggap sebagai bulan sial dimana seringkali terjadi sejumlah musibah atau kecelakaan. Kepercayaan ini mendorong masyarakat Jawa untuk tidak menyelenggarakan berbagai hajatan seperti pernikahan terutama pada hari rabu terakhir di bulan ini.
Hingga saat ini, masyarakat Jawa di sekitaran kawasan Ambarketawang, Gamping, Sleman, Yogyakarta, dimana lokasi ini merupakan tempat didirikannya Kraton Yogyakarta untuk pertama kalinya, masih melaksanakan ritual Saparan dengan maksut sebagai wujud doa Pada Yang Maha Kuasa agar dihindarkan dari mara bahaya. Otomatis, ritual adat ini memiliki latar belakang sejarah yang berasal dari Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat.
Dikisahkan bahwa ada sepasang suami-istri yang merupakan abdi dhalem setia Kraton pada masa Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono I (Pangeran Mangkubumi) bernama Kyai Wirasuta dan Nyi Wirasuta. Sebagai Kanjeng Sinuhun yang pertama, Sultan Hamengku Buwono I bermaksud emndirikan sebuah istana (Kraton) sebagai kediaman kerajaannya. Sembari menunggu pembangunan selesai, Sultan memilih beristirahat sejenak di sebuah pasanggrahan yang terletak di Desa Ambarketawang yang pada waktu itu sebagian besar masyarakatnya bermata pencaharian dengan menambang batu gamping.
Setelah selesainya Kraton dibangun, Sultan beserta para abdi dhalem hendak kembali ke Kraton namun tidak dengan kedua abdi dhalem tadi. Kyai dan Nyi Wirasuta memilih untuk menetap di pasanggrahan bekas tempat singgah Sultan pertama tersebut. Malapetaka tak diduga terjadi, pada Jumat Kliwon bulan Sapar, Gunung Gamping runtuh dan menewaskan kedua abdi dhalem tersebut. Anehnya, jasad mereka tidak ditemukan hingga sekarang.
Seiring berjalannya waktu, masyarakat Ambarketawang, Gamping diresahkan dengan musibah serupa yang terjadi tiap bulan Sapar. Masyarakat setempat meyakini arwah Kyai dan Nyi Wirasuta masih menempati Gunung Gamping. Mengetahui keresahan tersebut, Sri Sultan bertitah pada masyarkat Ambarketawang agar tiap bulan Sapar mengadakan upacara selamatan dengan menyembelih sepasang pengantin (Bekakak) yang terbuat dari campuran beras ketan yang dimaksudkan untuk menggantikan Kyai dan Nyi Wirasuta serta warga lain yang tertimpa musibah longsornya Gunung Gamping agar tidak terjadi bencana serupa di wilayah ini.
Ketua Panitia Saparan Bekakak, Frans Haryono mengatakan bahwa Perayaan kirab budaya tak sebatas seremonial tahunan, di balik setiap perayaan ada edukasi kultural yang selalu ingin digelorakan. “Intinya tradisi Saparan Bekakak adalah peringatan terhadap kesetiaan seorang abdi dhalem pada rajanya,” ujar beliau sesaat setelah selesainya upacara Bekakak dilaksanakan.
Ritual adat ini berlangsung terus menerus hingga sekarang dengan tidak mengurangi nilai dan makna dari tiap prosesinya. Ritual Saparan Bekakak yang dahulu sebagai wujud tolak bala masyarakat Jawa saat ini telah terintegrasi pada mitos sejarah dan legenda lokal yang tetap diuri-uri secara konsisten oleh masyarakat setempat lebih dari sebuah ritual budaya, namun sebagai komoditi bagi daya tarik wisata lokal maupun manca Negara.
Tindakan belum tentu membawa kita pada kebahagiaan, tapi tak akan pernah ada kebahagiaan tanpa tindakan.

Minggu, 15 Januari 2012

Saparan, The culture Of Central Java Communities

Saparan is the community culture of Central Java which was held once a year. The culture was organized to celebrate the birthday of a village in Central Java. In this celebration, residents of a village will cook various foods then invite relatives from another village to eat together. In this tradition the villagers held a cultural arts wayang kulit or reog.