Kamis, 26 Januari 2012

Derogatory Word from Indonesia : Katrok

Katrok, is a derogatory word from Indonesia. The meaning of this word is aimed to someone who out of date or a person who does not know time progress. For example; if  I don’t know the hot news about a girl hit many people by her car in Tugu Tani, Jakarta until died so my friends will say that I am Katrok because I don’t know the latest news.

I don’t know when were ‘Katrok’ spread first  and who was spread it first in public. People directly familiar with this word and use it to make fun of someone. Even the word is also often used in impressions commercials on television . the word is very well known and almost every one of a small child until a parent anything know the word ‘Katrok’.

I think that people are mocked by the word it's definitely not like because they don't want to be considered as a person who does not know the trends. The word ‘katrok’ is very disrespectful to pronounce upon the person concerned because it would mean an insult. There are many options for more polite words to criticize someone's point of view with no way to be offended by the remark we made it.
OK, Friends, that's a little bit about derogatory words. be careful to say something, don't make people be hurted with our derogatory words...... ^_^. Comment and advices is very needed for this unperfect post...... See yaa.........

1 komentar:

  1. Nice Post bux....
    Saya baru kemarin itu kenal dengan istilah derogatory words yg tidak layak kita ucapkan pada orang lain...
    Padahal saya juga sering menyebut teman saya yg dari cepu dengan panggilan "katrok",
    Keep Posting bux :)
