Kamis, 19 Januari 2012

Central Java Community Stereotypes

Stereotypes are generalizations about a group of people whereby we attribute a defined set of characteristics to this group. These classifications can be positive or negative, such as when various nationalities are stereotyped as friendly or unfriendly.
It is easier to create stereotypes when there is a clearly visible and consistent attribute that can easily be recognized. This is why people of color, police and women are so easily stereotyped.
People from stereotyped groups can find this very disturbing as they experience an apprehension (stereotype threat) of being treated unfairly.
Now, i'll explain my opinion about the majority of Central java community Characters..........  

In General, the community of villages in Central Java still likes to ask their children  to marry even though it was very young. They are still not aware of the importance of education for their children. In my village, a child who has been attending teens would usually was married by their parents. After the child is married, he will be given a swath of rice fields for land their livelihood. Boys who are married are still living with their parents, but the obligations they have own kitchen to cook and eat on a daily basis.

 Community of Central Java also often assume that more and more children will be more much income it brings. They have a principle that all families get together, do not eat any is not a problem. they call it " mangan ra managan asal kumpul".  therefore, in ancient times one familly usually has dozens of child's family. But over the development of technology is now the community aware that too many children actually will lower the quality of the education of their children. Despite that, to date there are still some people who still have children without thinking about how much they'll grow big later if not backed up with an established financial condition.

that's just majority of Central Java society characters, but i think that not all of them are like that. there are still many central java people that have modern think and be aware the importance of education.

6 komentar:

  1. hmm.. I ever heard about that before, parents want their child to have a marriage although the age isn't mature enough to married.. the parents should know that education is important, education is not only for rich people or the urban but also for everyone..
    so, as a future teacher and future parents we have to eliminate that statements,,
    and say : "education is for everyone, but we don't judge that villagers are uneducated although in a reality they are uneducated in a formal school..

    1. so lets change and renew people thinks and asumption about educatuon and the dificultness of a marriage =D. thx 4 the nice comment fren

  2. pelangi tu warna warni,, bgtu jg dg berbagai kebudayaan,, so terima stereotype yg positif, n buang yg negatif.... nice post mbk browwww....

  3. waduhh....tapi untung keluargaku tidak berkarakter/tidak termasuk seperti itu.
