Selasa, 14 Februari 2012

EthNoCentrisM, What Is iT?

Last week I attended lecture which told about ethnocentrism and cultural relativism. Those topics I think, would lead us to understand how to appreciate other cultural in every country.

Now, friends, I will share a little bit informations about Ethnocentrism……… ^-^

Ethnocentrism is the tendency of people to put their own culture at the center, and to use their cultural standards to judge the behavior and beliefs of people of different cultures.

Individual, I see it as a theoretical physicist, has a tendency to be a figure who has understand ethnocentrism which they consider culture and beliefs as a superior to the other. These circumstances make the individual forgets that the differences that exist everywhere. This would hamper us when set foot somewhere else, understand ethnocentrism that would be high for us fence can enjoy the wonderful difference. Quote James Michener was made of the importance of respecting the differences it struck me that there when we visit a new place. No requirement to receive because the acceptance of difference that would be more difficult to appreciate it.

While we take a walk on certain place, not rarely we said “ih, bahasanya kok aneh gitu sich”, atau “ makanannya kok kayak gini sich, gak seperti tempat gue, gak ada makanan kayak gituan”. See?  “bukan seperti tempat gue”. So when we want to go for a walk, prepare well mentally and myself to accept differences, do not blame other cultures because culture always transform following the various influences that we never know the real. If it's not ready for a different, better silence alone at home enjoy themselves culture which is not even a great choice =)

So, how about ur opinion, Guys? ^-^ waiting 4 ur comments ^-^

3 komentar:

  1. Budaya di indonesia mmang bnyk ato beraneka rgam, N qt hrus taw kebdyaan yg lain N bisa menghrgai kbudayaan org laen,,
    Lbh bgs nya kebdayaan tersbut hrs da untk slamanya agr tdak cpt menghlang dr budya asli,,

  2. Nice to read ur comment, Hunny
    qt emanx hrz melestarikan budaya dalam negeri, bukan terlalu banyak mengadopsi budaya asing tanpa filtrasi terlebih dulu =)

  3. betuL tu ChayankQ,,
    Bkan hnya mengadopsi chayank, tp qt jg hrs mnjga kbduyaan yg da di Indonesia ni agr tdak di ambiL oleh Ngra laeN, kbdyaan yg qt mlki sangatlah bnyk ttpi tdk da org yg pdli,,,
    Udh bnyk kbdyaan yg bnr2 asli hilang dngn adanya prbhan jamaN chayankQ,,,
    Yg pntg skrg ni hnyalah kata "NGETREN"
