Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

Youth Culture In Britain

Last week I was attended lecture that told about Youth culture
as we know that youth culture is the sum of the ways of living of adolescents; it refers to the body of norms, values, and practices recognized and shared by members of the adolescent society as appropriate guides to actions.
Now, I want to share about Youth Culture In Britain, let’s see……

We can't understand the youth culture today if we don't know its history.... Music has played the main role in development of generations... All it started when the first rock band in history appeared. Yes, we all know them - it's THE BEATLES. In the year 1962 they started their musical careers. Their first concerts were held in England but later on they became very popular and went abroad. Concerts in USA, Europe ... they traveled almost all over the world. Their careers were very successful. They were very popular among the young people especially young ladies. These women went completely mad during THE BEATLES concerts; they used to throw their underwear on the stage. People still listen to their music nowadays. 

In 1961 the war in Vietnam started, it lasted almost 10 years and ended in 1970. During that time the Hippie movement first appeared. This movement was very peaceful. In general these people were against the war. "Children of the flowers" were they called. The most famous band of that time that was appreciated by the hippies was "Grateful Dead". Their Leader was Johnny Garcia. It was a time of peaceful demonstrations, free love and rock festivals.

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